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6/06/19 7:17PM
Re: Re: Re: I don’t get why they won’t liquidate
bdad, you're right i clearly got over-excited re the bonds: i forgot that they will be largely retired by the time sales (probably) roll over again this time next year so you'll be looking at... login to read the rest
how many humans will willingly put themselves out of a job, with a 'we failed' sign hanging around their necks to boot? that is what you are asking management to do...there's a reason it hardly... login to read the rest
in situations such as these (melting ice cubes), it would be prudent for management teams to realize that liquidating, yes liquidating, would be the best outcome for shareholders.
I hate to pile on and to be clear I am not short, but in a way I kinda get the hugely pessimistic reaction today. the operating deleverage evident in the biz is pretty incredible.... login to read the rest
fwiw, that came up with a credit analyst in Barron's this week too:
Because of what I said about [the BBB ratings] being for the most part self-inflicted, investment-grade companies could just pull back on share... login to read the rest
Agreed Rhubarb. BBBY is another great one. Also BIG. There are many others.
I think it's classic capital misallocation trap that management teams make. Many investors goad them into it as well, especially short-term oriented ones.
GME is a good case study in why aggressive buybacks in melting ice cubes can be a bad idea. It looks like they've bought back $1.85b worth of stock since '10.
X-box is releasing a console without a... login to read the rest
I'd say the key parameter to estimate is the dividend decline rate. A 17% current dividend yield sounds great, but if it's reasonable to expect the dividend to decline by 10%/yr, for example, then the
I may regret posting this, but isn't the trade to write puts on these melting ice cubes as the puts imply they melt faster than they melt? Rather than guessing if you can extract more
Sorry to be snarky on a bad day for me. This thing does not basically trade at zero EV. Market cap is $860m, debt was as $821m as of Feb 19, cash was $1,624m, so... login to read the rest
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