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2/21/18 4:45PM
20 Times Square Sold
Seems like a pretty good price.
Would anyone following this care to give a summary of how this has progressed (distributions and liquidation proceeds estimates evolution)? I never pulled trigger on this one, but I came
Yes, I agree that this price represents the high end of the range indicated at the end of 2013. But how do you square that with the liqudation value assumptions implied in their "net assets... login to read the rest
Echoing zbeex's comment--The company has already accrued expenses that it anticipates paying during the rest of the liquidation process. If you look at the 9/30/15 balance sheet summary in my writeup, you'll see a liability... login to read the rest
You should assume that there won't be any OTC market in FUR starting in August. I'm familiar with the RESCU units which continue to trade. The FUR situation is akin to MDTH, which was posted... login to read the rest
Following up on your question about trading of FUR beyond August: I spoke with the company today, and they confirmed that there will be no more trading once the remaining assets are transferred to a... login to read the rest
Thanks for sharing your thoughts and your breakout of the value of the pieces of Times Square. Needless to say, I hope you're right. Being a cheapskate I have a hard time imagining rents of... login to read the rest
Thanks for your comments.
I agree with your comment about the possibility of a tender. Ashner commented on the last conference call: "Let's assume for the moment that the stock was, say, trading at $12, and... login to read the rest
Thanks for your comments and questions.
First let me address the liquidity issue. The market cap today is only $480 million, and this will shrink further as distributions are made. There is maybe $2 million of... login to read the rest
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