Please note the comps have been taken from the Pay Comparator Group from the PCG 2017 Proxy but exclude the two utilities with Californian exposure (Edison and Sempra) as these two entities have also experienced liabilities from wildfires (Edison) and a de-rating in sympathy plus activist action from Elliot (Sempra) making them tainted comparables for the purposes of isolating the market value change above.
(B) Estimated Valuation Range
PCG is a regulated utility. As such, the predictability of its earnings stream is very high and the error bars around valuation are relatively narrow. Theoretically a regulated utility should be valued based on the difference between its allowable return on capital and its actual cost of capital on its exiting rate base plus any
excess value that can be achieved through growth (i.e. value created through the ability to deploy capital at returns that exceed cost of capital). If RIOC = actual WACC then the utility is worth 1.0x its regulated asset base (and the 1.0x increases if ROIC > actual WACC and decreases if ROIC < actual WACC).
Notwithstanding this, most regulated utilities in the US are valued by the market based on a P/E. Prior to the wildfires PCG was trading at approximately 18x P/E. Comparable companies currently trade at approximately 18x (median).