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7/13/23 2:46PM
Re: Re: Re: Re: 2023 update?
FYI from Today's update:
"Other options [than a return] including a sale or release are available, subject to the agreement of the Company. The asset manager is currently in discussions with Emirates about the future of
Sorry for the delay in my reply.
I'm still following this. The main reason I assume for the decline is the very bad outlook for the A380. I think all European operaters have announed in the last month... login to read the rest
As far as I can say, Doric has cash on the balance sheet to last them a little more than half a year without receiving lease payments (their first major debt repayment is due November 30). So... login to read the rest
Light - it's not unilateral (in China or elsewhere), its all by negotiation. But most lessors will (I suppose) grant a 3-4mo lease deferral (interest free) in this situation, given the lack of other good... login to read the rest
actually - it is quite likely all the major airlines suspend lease payments temporarily. this is exactly what happened in china (AER said so publically on their last CC) and is likely happening globally right... login to read the rest
I would add one negative to my thesis but with a probability which I find hard to estimate. If Emirates would stop the lease payments in the short term for whatever reason, DNA2 would be in trouble since they don't really... login to read the rest
Well, 4 reasons:
1. Like I tried to show, the total return in the end will probably be somewhere between 100% and 150%, which is higher than the Aercap bonds return
2. The cash return is higher... login to read the rest
why would i accept a 12% annual return (ok with some balloon upside risk to be fair) buying the equity of a bunch of widebodies to a single c/p when I can buy the senior... login to read the rest
Since I'm not a US resident I looked it up and it should be your standard US dividend tax rate. There is no withholding tax on dividends for non-residents for Guernsey, where Doric Nimrod is... login to read the rest
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