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12/20/18 9:01AM
Re: Re: Author Exit Recommendation
I do think this is could be a good intermediate to long-term reentry point. The company still should earn over $12 per share Sep 2019 FY and maintains conservatively $20 per share of net cash.... login to read the rest
Apple should buy Netflix by Ben Thompson, Stratechery
Posted onMonday, October 31, 2016
While much of the focus of last Thursday’s Apple announcement was on the new MacBook Pros (and the Macs that were not updated), the more interesting announcement from... login to read the rest
Doesn't really relate to your overall point on upgrade cycle extending I know, but do you think that Samsung's current issues at least push back the bear thesis a couple of quarters. One facet of... login to read the rest
How long do you expect the upgrade cycle to extend out to and why? Any data here or just your opinion?
I believe this is the data you were asking for. My contention is that "Over... login to read the rest
"I think you are taking my comments a bit too literally and a bit out of context."
True - I was just making a very small point. This guy (you) already got it:
Finally, re: multiple/valuation, on... login to read the rest
Condor -
Thank you, I did understand your criticism. I agree that this write-up contains nothing new about the company that hasn't been discussed elsewhere. However, just because an argument has been made and is known by people following the stock doesn't... login to read the rest
One Obvious reason to own AAPL today, as in right now, is the probablility of repatriation occuring within the next 18 months. This catalyst was clearly stated by Tim Cook last week. We believe this alone would... login to read the rest
Thanks. Obviously too low on the other products line. Not entirely sure what I was thinking there, not entirely sure it will matter though. Anyway - you make some good points.
I think it is a paradox that the analyst community so strongly supports Apple, while my sense is that the stock is very underowned institutionally. I think the sentiment by those that control investment dollars is on balance... login to read the rest
I will provide a more detailed response to the specific pushback in another post, but wanted to start with some broader thoughts:
1. Condor, you accuse me of setting up a strawman argument. My understanding is... login to read the rest
I am curious how the Apple bulls feel about the cash position and the potential for Apple to deploy it for a big acquisition.
I am a Netflix bull-so take this with a grain of salt.... login to read the rest
IMHO bulls underestimate the threat from Xiaomi and the impact it will have on volume and ASP of iPhones.
It took the company only few years to become No.3 smarphone manufacturer globally and the largest in... login to read the rest
Put me in the "this is probably unsustainable" camp. But Apple is a tough short because there is some chance they do something pretty epic. They have the cash, the talent, the culture. Meanwhile the... login to read the rest
Agree with Condor. The current state of AAPL is analyzed through and through. For the record, I'm a huge AAPL fan and a believer in the company long term, but I reluctantly put this in... login to read the rest
"most observers believe services should grow 15-20% annually for the next several years"
Assuming that you believe this as well, what would you say is the bigggest driver behind this service revenue growth?
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