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12/10/18 6:39PM
Exposure to EUV / relative AMAT & LRCX vs KLAC?
Any thoughts on risks to AMAT & LRCX in the LT from ASML's EUV? Seems like it's consensus that EUV will start to be a large portion of foundry WFE shortly, and maybe of DRAM WFE... login to read the rest
i was responding to this part of your note:
how or what do you think is required to get the market to look beyond the next 12mos of potential WFE headwinds and think about the right... login to read the rest
hey Spocks- thanks, i get their b/back timing hasn't been ideal. but they were also operating w a huge amount of excess cash, nothing else to buy, and much harder to sit on it than... login to read the rest
while we wait for Krusty - re: buyback question
first 9m end July they bot 4.5b for $53.72
previous year, at a much lower price, they bot 787m
spend - oh - 90 seconds with VL and perhaps... login to read the rest
Krusty, what do you think of AMAT at $33? i agreed with many of the tenets of your original bull argument and now we have the opportunity to buy it another 1/3 cheaper than then...clearly... login to read the rest
If we were worried about how the next quarter, or even the next year, plays out relative to consensus expectations, we wouldn’t own this (and you probably shouldn’t either).
Go to any semiconductor equipment management... login to read the rest
Not sure what you mean by "how reliable are these WFE numbers anyway" - are you asking how sustainable/volatile they are or are the figures cited accurate?
in the latest call: So based on the... login to read the rest
thanks for the reply
as an ignorant person in this area with no edge, my only pushback would be this: Per VL, operating margins were 1.1% in 2009 and 15.7% in 2013 and sit at a... login to read the rest
any thoughts on the quarter krusty?
past results looked fine but perhaps the cyclical turn is here now? Granted, I'm looking short-term, but wondering what could move it much higher (beyond the pull of a happy... login to read the rest
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