Yes. It's an interesting collection of Cali real estate managed by Leucadia. For example, they have a grape farm that is carried on the books for ~$5m, earned $1m in net income last year, and... login to read the rest
You make some interesting points. I'll give you my thoughts in the order you presented them:
fixation - it's not that I have a fixation on the options, it's that this is by far the most... login to read the rest
I think you're fixating on the land options and missing the main point, but let me try to satisfy the fixation anyway. The massage afterwards is free but gratuities are appreciated.
1. They are not having... login to read the rest
I second Nails4's last question. I think it's likely to be true that they have a pile of old and/or repriced options that date back a number of years and I question whether those options... login to read the rest
HomeFed (HOFD) is a bizarre Leucadia controlled land development company in SoCal that is publicly traded. They have sold options on land recently. It's going to depend on the developer. They have no debt and... login to read the rest
Utah, you're making my case for me. Why would anyone sell a call option? Simple - to maximize their profit. The more successful the seller of those options, the worse off the buyer is (in... login to read the rest
False analogies nothwithstanding, the act of homebuilding in its entiretly entails purchasing land, developing the land and then selling the land. The highly experienced integrated homebuilders have over many, many years generated decent but not... login to read the rest
I don't think you framed your argument fairly. Even if the land business were decent it doesn't mean it's as good a business as NVR's building business. Thus, if NVR can use options on a... login to read the rest
The 3 replies all agree: it's beneficial NOT to have land on your books. Perhaps, but doesn't it depend on the price? At a sufficiently high option price, buying the land outright would be the... login to read the rest
I'll echo what september and utah1009 have said. NVR generates a good return on book value because homebuilding (without land development) is itself a decent-return activity; NVR wasn't getting those high returns because they were... login to read the rest
In terms of the balance sheet, all of the assets/working capital are on someone else's balance sheet. NVR had property write downs of ~$500m since the bubble burst. That's peanuts next to Pulte Home's >$5bn... login to read the rest
The shares are trading at just under 2.5x tangible book value. If one assumes cash is worth cash the situation is much worse - the market is valuing NVR's non-cash net assets in excess... login to read the rest
> Is there any way to quantify these savings on a per unit basis?
That's an interesting question. One possible approach: take cost of sales (excluding land impairments) and divide by the number of delivered homes in... login to read the rest
I think part of the reason you do not see a decline in G&A vs 2004 is because they did not adopt SFAS 123R (Accounting for Stock-based Compensation) until 2006. So, the 2004 number you... login to read the rest
It's a fair question and one that we have spent some time thinking about. During normal times, the answer is that NVR has a significant cost advantage over competitors which allows it to pass along... login to read the rest
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